Asa Smouse

RS Medical Consultancy (Pty) Ltd

What does your company do?

We have two arms: 1) Consulting and 2) Coaching We empower individuals and organisations to unlock their true potential through cutting-edge leadership development, executive coaching, and skills training. Our services include: - Management Consulting - Business Coaching - Executive Coaching - Leadership Development - Business Advisory - Mentoring Our Management Consulting and Business Advisory arm is operated under RS Medical Consultancy (Pty) Ltd, which is a registered business 2023/587515/07. At our medical practice management consulting firm, we offer a wide range of services tailored to improve the efficiency and growth of private medical practice. Our mission is to help specialist doctors navigate the complexities of practice administration, ensuring an exceptional experience for both patients and staff. Our value proposition is to efficiently manage private medical practices, so doctors can focus on saving lives. Our slogan is "redefining excellence in the medical industry". For the rest of our service offering, we provide them through Asa Smouse Coaching, which is operating under RS Medical Consultancy. Please refer to for more information. In as much as we have two separate websites, we are the same company. The decision to have different websites is an expression of our service offering, considering that our target audience are quite diverse.