Asanda Madi

Journal Cue PTY LTD

What does your company do?

Journal Cue produces mental health tools to allow more accessibility to healthcare. The first place to seek out help with mental health matters is with a counsellor or psychologist, however this may not be economically possible for many. And for those to whom it is economically possible, they might still find themselves doubtful of the process and reluctant to let a stranger into their private life in such an intimate manner. Journal Cue thus provides a solution to the common problems faced when seeking out mental healthcare. At Journal Cue, we are determined to not only provide affordable tools that individuals can use but also to allow individuals to develop self-awareness at their own pace in the comfort of their own homes. Journal Cue was founded by Asanda Madi, Clinical Psychologist, as an extension of her clinical practice and social media presence in 2020 during Covid. Throughout the past three years, the business has been building up to the point of launch and rebranding in June 2023. With a new face and on the pulse products, a community of people seeking to manage and improve their mental health has been created.