Mindful Masterminds (PTY) Ltd

What does your company do?

Mindful Masterminds specializes in innovative learning experiences to nurture resilience, confidence, and leadership skills in children. By integrating digital self care, science, technology, and emotional well-being activities into educational event programs, they create a supportive environment for children to express themselves, understand their emotions, and develop critical life skills. What sets us apart is the holistic approach to child development. Specializing in innovative educational experiences, the organization prioritizes mental and emotional fortitude, digital self care, science, technology, and emotional well-being activities, and further extends to empowering women and girls through STEM education. Additionally, the universal pledge is committed to gender equality, employment equity, and sustainable practices and is evident in their supply chain where they actively engage women from disadvantaged communities to hand craft their instore merchandise, of soft animal toys using recycled ethnic fabric fostering empathy and social responsibility. Avashna's commitment to mental wellness and personal development has created a ripple effect, fostering a community of forward-thinking individuals who prioritize holistic growth. By promoting resilience and self-awareness from an early age, Mindful Masterminds has positively influenced countless lives, shaping the leaders and changemakers of tomorrow.