What does your company do?
We skill and develop virtual reality applications for Africa and surrounding continents. We give out 200 vocational bursaries and place successful candidates in our development studio and offer some to recruitment agents. We tackle job displacement faced by the youth by providing technology future skills to ensure that our professionals never face the dreadful swift of unemployment. We have launched our school in Ghana, Kenya, Namibia, Uganda and of course South Africa. Our enrolments remain open through out the year for skills development and opportunity accessiblity.
What is your biggest success?
We have since graduated 180 proffessionals who now occupy work force as Graphics Designers, 3D Modellers, Animators, AVR Coders, Project Managers, etc. The applications which the developers have deployed, called SCI-Tech Accelerator, has been launched to over 200 high schools and TVETs aiding in simulations for Science and Technology which is online with the grade 9-12 curriculum.
What has been your biggest hurdle?
Politics faced at university that we may not know about however become affected. The world of Academia may be filled with alot of institutional challenges that we end up risking to face when partnering with Universities and TVETs. We also gave infrastructure problems when training candidates in rural areas.