Bridget McNulty

Sweet Life Diabetes Community

What does your company do?

Sweet Life empowers South Africans with diabetes to live a healthy, happy life with the condition. We are South Africa’s largest online diabetes community, a non-profit and a PBO, and our singular focus is on diabetes education and empowerment. We do this through our Facebook community, website with easy-to-understand diabetes information (backed by South Africa’s top diabetes experts), leaflets and booklets in public clinics and, most recently, a WhatsApp chatbot that meets people where they are, with all the necessary information to understand diabetes, and how to manage it. This is so important because diabetes is currently the number one killer of women in South Africa, the second leading cause of death in men. But it’s not a lethal condition! People are dying because they don’t understand their condition. And there’s no national diabetes education programme to help them. We believe the right education - in the right format, and the right language, at the right health literacy level, to the right person, exactly when they need it - can go a long way towards solving this urgent problem.