Cayley Wood

Ingage Support

What does your company do?

In South Africa, a staggering 65% of young people struggle with mental health issues but do not seek help. At Ingage Support, we are dedicated to transforming this landscape through our innovative and holistic approach to youth mental health. Our cutting-edge technology and comprehensive software services specifically address bullying, harassment, and mental health challenges faced by children, teenagers, and adults. We offer a unique platform that combines an anonymous reporting system with features designed to support mental well-being. This system allows individuals to safely and confidentially report bullying, harassment, abuse, discrimination, violence, and more. Our mobile and web applications also provide a suite of tools to support mental health, including mood tracking, digital journals, self-help guides, and a vast hub of mental health, wellness, and online safety resources. Ingage Support simplifies the complex processes involved in mental health support, enhancing efficiency for schools, organisations, and communities. By identifying challenges in real-time and implementing timely interventions and support programs, we create safer and healthier environments. Our mission is to empower young people to speak up, be heard, and feel safe, fostering a future where every young person in South Africa can thrive.