Chantelle Mendes

Breast Intentions

What does your company do?

1. Cancer Awareness Campaigns: o Description: Breast Intentions organizes regular cancer awareness campaigns in various communities, schools, and workplaces to educate individuals about breast cancer prevention, early detection, and treatment options. These campaigns include distributing informational pamphlets, organizing awareness walks, and conducting educational seminars. o Importance: This activity is of paramount importance as it directly contributes to the organization's principal objective of raising awareness about breast cancer and empowering individuals to take proactive steps towards their health. Breast Intentions aims to make an impact wherever there is a need for cancer awareness. o Beneficiaries: Community members, school students, and employees of partnering organizations benefit from these campaigns. o Initiation: The cancer awareness campaigns were initiated at the inception of Breast Intentions and are ongoing throughout the year. o Location: The campaigns are conducted in various locations, including community centres, schools, corporate offices, and public events. o Conducted by: Breast Intentions volunteers, including healthcare professionals, educators, and community outreach coordinators, conduct these campaigns. 2. Support for Cancer Patients: o Description: Breast Intentions provides support services for individuals diagnosed with breast cancer and their families. These services include emotional support groups, counselling sessions, and connecting patients with resources such as financial assistance programs and support networks. Additionally, Breast Intentions assists cancer patients in need, by paying for scans, organizing mammogram trucks to provide free mammograms, and getting oncologists to perform breast examinations. o Importance: Supporting cancer patients is a crucial aspect of Breast Intentions' mission as it directly impacts the well-being and quality of life of individuals affected by breast cancer. Breast Intentions aims to make a meaningful impact by providing comprehensive support services. o Beneficiaries: Breast cancer patients and their families benefit from these support services. o Initiation: Support services were initiated shortly after the establishment of Breast Intentions and continue to be a core focus of the organization. o Location: Support group meetings and counselling sessions are conducted in community centres, hospitals, and other suitable venues. o Conducted by: Trained counsellors, healthcare professionals, and volunteers with experience in oncology conduct these support activities. 3. Fundraising Events: o Description: Breast Intentions organizes fundraising events such as charity galas, fun runs, and benefit concerts to raise funds for cancer research, patient support programs, and awareness campaigns. o Importance: Fundraising events are essential for sustaining the organization's operations and expanding its impact by funding various initiatives. Breast Intentions aims to make a lasting impact by raising significant funds through these events. o Beneficiaries: Cancer research organizations, patient support programs, and awareness campaigns funded by Breast Intentions benefit from the proceeds of these events. o Initiation: Fundraising events were initiated shortly after the establishment of Breast Intentions and are held periodically throughout the year. o Location: Fundraising events are held in various locations, including event venues, parks, and community centres, depending on the nature of the event. o Conducted by: Breast Intentions staff, volunteers, and event organizers coordinate and manage these fundraising events. 4. Educational Workshops: o Description: Breast Intentions conducts educational workshops and seminars on breast health, self-examination techniques, and navigating the healthcare system for early detection and treatment. o Importance: Educational workshops play a vital role in empowering individuals with knowledge and skills to detect breast cancer early and seek appropriate medical care. Breast Intentions aims to make a lasting impact by providing valuable education and resources. o Beneficiaries: Workshop participants, including community members, healthcare professionals, and educators, benefit from these educational sessions. o Initiation: Educational workshops were initiated shortly after the establishment of Breast Intentions and are held regularly in collaboration with healthcare institutions and community organizations. o Location: Workshops are conducted in community centres, schools, healthcare facilities, and corporate offices. o Conducted by: Breast Intentions partners with healthcare professionals, educators, and community leaders to facilitate these educational workshops. 5. Volunteer Training and Engagement: o Description: Breast Intentions provides training sessions and orientations for volunteers interested in supporting the organization's activities. Volunteers are engaged in various roles, including event coordination, patient support, fundraising, and awareness campaigns. o Importance: Volunteers are instrumental in the success of Breast Intentions' initiatives, and providing training ensures that they are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to contribute effectively. Breast Intentions aims to make a lasting impact by empowering volunteers to become advocates for breast cancer awareness. o Beneficiaries: Volunteers who participate in training sessions benefit from skill development opportunities and contribute to the organization's mission. o Initiation: Volunteer training and engagement programs were established early on to recruit and train volunteers for different roles within the organization. o Location: Training sessions are conducted in community centres, volunteer centres, and online platforms for accessibility. o Conducted by: Trained staff members and experienced volunteers lead the training sessions and orientations for new volunteers. 6. Feeding the Hungry: o Description: Breast Intentions conducts feeding programs throughout the year to provide nutritious meals to those in need, including homeless individuals, low-income families, and vulnerable populations. o Importance: Addressing food insecurity is essential for promoting overall well-being and reducing health disparities within communities. Breast Intentions aims to make a meaningful impact by addressing the immediate needs of individuals and families facing food insecurity. o Beneficiaries: Individuals and families facing food insecurity benefit from these feeding programs. o Initiation: The feeding programs were initiated as part of Breast Intentions' ongoing efforts to support vulnerable populations and address food insecurity. o Location: Feeding programs are conducted in various locations, including homeless shelters, community centres, and areas with high rates of food insecurity. o Conducted by: Breast Intentions volunteers and partnering organizations collaborate to organize and distribute meals to those in need. 7. Support for Kids in State Hospitals: o Description: Another initiative of Breast Intentions involves supporting children in state hospitals fighting cancer. The organization arranges days where volunteers visit these young patients to offer hope and provide books and coloring books to help distract their minds from the disease. They also set up photobooths to create joyful memories and make the children smile. o Importance: This initiative is crucial in providing emotional support and moments of happiness for children battling cancer, helping to improve their mental and emotional well-being during a difficult time. Breast Intentions aims to make a positive impact by bringing joy and distraction to these young patients. o Beneficiaries: Children with cancer in state hospitals benefit from these visits and activities. o Initiation: Support for children in state hospitals was initiated as part of Breast Intentions' broader mission to support cancer patients and their families. o Location: These activities take place in state hospitals where children are receiving cancer treatment. o Conducted by: Breast Intentions volunteers, including individuals with experience in child care and oncology, organize and conduct these support activities.