Genevieve Benjamin

Crèer Pty, Ltd t/a My Inner Network

What does your company do?

Crèer Pty, Ltd is the holding company under which My Inner Network was built. Our holding company specialises in the design and development of websites and propriety software. We also offer services such as digital marketing, social media management, email set-up & management. Our core focus is our platform - In September 2023, we launched My Inner Network in collaboration with Absa Bank and Seda. My Inner Network is the first platform to connect entrepreneurs to entrepreneurs (E2E), promoting direct trade with each other. Our core focus is fostering collaboration between entrepreneurs on our platform to ensure financial growth between our members, within a trusted network. About my platform: *All our members get access to our incredible resource hub. A dedicated section within our platform that provides members with all the tools they require to scale their business. Our hub consists of FREE tools as well as paid tools. From stock image platforms, to DIY videos and podcasts! *We have an Investor platform linked to ours that enables members to apply for funding or upload a pitch deck proposal to apply for angel investment. Our investors are SA based as well as international. *We have the best community forum built into our platform. The forum allows you to have direct conversations with other members - privately or collectively. Here you can share your events, ask for help from other members and so much more! Everything is done inside our platform and everything is private! We also have partnership perks - We have built and continue to build great partnerships with organisations that benefit our members. Our members have access to our partners, their offerings and special perks. From on-air advertising, to digital marketing, discounted rates for conferencing facilities, PA system set-ups, catering and more. Our perks are endless and continues to grow. And best of all, our platform can be accessed anytime, anywhere!