Hanlie Lizette Wessels

Impact Business Development (Pty) Ltd

What does your company do?

We use technology to solve current social and business problems. All our solutions map to the Key Performance Indicators of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to ensure that we create impact through everything we do and contribute to the 2030 aims of the SDGs. Impact for good is at the heart of everything we do. Our flagship solution is the Harassment Risk Assessment, a digitized tool that quantifies harassment levels in the workplace. This solution is delivered to corporate clients. We have digitized the labor law requirement of the Code of Good Practice on the prevention and elimination of harassment in the workplace. We work closely with a labor law company to ensure we meet legal requirements. This solution is a differentiator for companies, making them more competitive and going beyond mere compliance. Additionally, we offer solutions that accelerate revenue for Small and Medium Businesses through our revenue acceleration solution. We help them overcome technology adoption issues, select only what they need, and address knowledge challenges.