Ingrid Irma Jones

Food Fairies


What does your company do?

My social enterprise was created as a Facebook group called The Lockdown Recipe Storytelling Bool. The name changed on July 10, 2023 to The Food Fairies - Koe'sister Food Community and Lifestyle. The group was created to collect komvandaan/heritage stories and recipes for the publication of a book where you can write in the language of your choice. The Lockdown Recipe Storytelling Book was published towards the end of 2020 and sold out. There were far too many stories and then fa magazine called Koe'sister was published and outsourced to a publishing company. Due to a lack of funding the magazine was stopped and Koe' was born. All members contribute recipes on a daily basis to the Facebook group and some might be uploaded to the website. It's a private group and only members can see what's posted online.