Ignite Revolution
What does your company do?
We provide the following services to the community all free services:
*Soup kitchens for vulnerable children
*Hot meals programme for shelters, places of safety and areas in need
*Youth empowerment workshops, focuses on teaching children their identity, worth, value and purpose.
*Sanitary pads drive in schools
*Programme to assist the unemployed, provide free training opportunities, vacancy groups, CV assistance, frew programmes to increase employability.
*New Begginings, this programme identifies people in shelters assist with work opportunities and relocate them to areas where family/ employment is available.
*Food Aid to child headed households, no income households and people in dire need.
*Support to other NPOs and organisations and churches
What is your biggest success?
Being recognised on the same platform as Zorah Sooliman co-founder of the Gift of the Givers and recieving a Woman of Wonder award for community service
What has been your biggest hurdle?
Biggest hurdle is finance and resources, we are not funded.