Karina Andersen

The SmilingOne Foundation

What does your company do?

#crimediversion #crimeprevention #socialcohesion Our mission is to reach those most vulnerable in our society… those who have gotten lost at the edges of the human experience. We equip them with tools and leadership skills to grab opportunity and lead lives that impact positively WHAT WE DO * We facilitate Awakened Leadership Journeys… and bring our leadership gyms to high risk environments in South Africa (prisons, schools, families, communities ) * We facilitate individual and culture shifts * We educate coaches, leaders, positive role models and change champions within these environments who help us beat the drum of change. We train the trainer (for sustainability) HOW WE DO IT Firstly, we are clear on the urgent need in our society to address the critical issue of crime, violence, gbv, harmful behaviours … WE go to the root cause. Crime and Violence is ‘just’ a symptom. At the core of it all is the disengagement from self and others. (1) We establish an enabling platform for Awakening Journeys. We expose the environment to a new conversation. Hand in hand with our partners4change the platform evolves. As their light switches on, more and more participate in driving the change. (2) We provide our elite team of Change Specialists and train Change Champions within the environments for sustainability. (3) Our Values-based Leadership Programs are woven with the unique ingredients of our clients/beneficiaries in support of their Change Experience. We offer a tailored solution aligned to their needs. We listen to where they are at and masterfully ‘fill the gap’ Our evidence-based approach has been implemented over the past 16+ years in diverse and ever changing environments in South Africa.