Khensani Siwedi

Conte Africa

What does your company do?

Conté Africa is the creative pillar and leader in brand strategy and social impact. Our mission is to keep emerging businesses and non-profit organisations alive and thriving. We understand the challenges that young organisations face and ensure that the heart of your organisation keeps beating. We do this by strengthening your brand, advocating for your mission and cultivating relationships between organisations and stakeholders. Our focus is on helping social impact organisations create change in their communities by strengthening their brand awareness. We help them capture the essence of their impact story and inspire action through carefully crafted brand experiences. As a brand and strategy agency, we provide designers, creative thinkers and experts to work with non-profit organisations, foundations and philanthropists. Our goal is to help them refine their mission and strengthen their organisation's branding to achieve and enforce their social goals. By focusing on the area of social impact, we ensure that targeted and sustainable solutions for the needs of local communities are at the forefront. Conté strives to be the creative pillar and pioneer in brand strategy and social impact. Our aim is to strongly influence and revitalise the creative sector by providing more opportunities for artists, designers and creative thinkers in Africa and around the world.