Straaightforward Pele-Pele
What does your company do?
Wellness and Development services. Run by a wife, a healer and Development consultant whose life was changed by polygamy. After my marriage changed from monogamy to polygamy few months after the wedding, I struggled with accepting polygamy but eventually overcame this adversity. I am now providing support to women who are battling with this challenge so that they may overcome and still build their marriage. I communicate the pain endured by the women to their husband and teach men how to be loving and caring polygamous husbands.
What is your biggest success?
Creating a platform were women no longer feel ashamed to say they too are in a polygamous marriage or desire to be in one. I have created a platform where women can reach out to me without feeling as though they will be judged and called names.
What has been your biggest hurdle?
Reaching out to many more people and creating Brand awareness.This requires budget for media advertising.