Londiwe Nkosi

We Navigate

What does your company do?

We Navigate the world of different professions along with our students to help them reach professional success. We are a non-governmental organisation, dedicated to assisting South African students in navigating their desired career paths by addressing their cognitive needs and where we can materialistic needs as-well. We focus primarily on linking students to professionals who have succeeded in their desired career paths. However we find that it’s difficult to keep optimistic when you’re hungry so we also try to supply food parcels and basic necessities. Our research for this project is driven by a combination of online statistics and firsthand experiences. According to UNICEF (the UN International Children's Educational Fund), more than 250,000 high school students drop out annually, with the number soaring to 750,000 during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our mission is not only to retain students in school but also to empower them to surpass limitations, by connecting them with mentors who have shared similar journeys.