Makhosazana Mbombo

Chasing Bubbles (Pty) Ltd

What does your company do?

Chasing Bubbles is a creative brand and design studio that believes in the power of play, courage, and curiosity as part of a brand's development journey. Our goal is to help clients create purpose-driven brands by incorporating playfulness and imagination into the branding process. The company's focus is on the inner child's perspective, bringing a sense of wonder and curiosity to every project we undertake. Our work spans branding, packaging, web design, and immersive marketing experiences. We infuse every project with a unique blend of introspection and exuberance, daring to push the boundaries of creativity. Play is at the centre of our strategic development of people's personal branding and corporate brand journeys and so in addition to our brand and design service offerings, we also host teachable brand and design workshops to help guide people to better define and understand their brand purpose and vision. Our purpose: Empowering people to unlock their true purpose and infuse a bold and playful spirit into their branding journey. Our Vision: Our goal is to create an inclusive space where creativity, play, and business can thrive without limitations. Our Values. Chasing Bubble's approach to our values, emphasizes imagination, inclusivity, and collaboration in creating memorable learning experiences in a safe space where we can dare to dream big: - Imagination-centric - Safe Spaces - Collaboration - Teachable moments