Mandy Mpatlanyane

Ubusha Bami, futhi Yimi lo! NPC

What does your company do?

Ubusha bami, futhi yimi lo! is a non-profit company (NPC) that creates fact based, age-appropriate, educational entertainment about sexual & reproductive health (SRH). Ubusha Bami, creates content, facilitates workshops and creates multimedia tools to aid in communicating sexual and reproductive health topics. Our key target audience is adolescents (13-20 year old) as well as parents of adolescent teens. We strive to incorporate peer-learning in all the content we produce thus, we've recruited adolescent ambassadors to help us facilitate peer-learning on this vital topic. Our long term plan is to create what we call " UB creators club" across South Africa. These will be social clubs for adolescent to create and play an integral part of creating educational content. Our main focus is on sexual and reproductive health education as South African youth still sees new HIV infections among adolescent teens mainly, girls. Moreover, our teenage pregnancy statistics are showing more young mothers giving birth. Overall, the campaign and targeted work on sexual & reproductive health is still very relevant among boys and girls in South Africa. Thus, creating a platform from this tech savvy generation to create helpful and impactful edutainment for there generation. Is a positive investment that will revive our communities.