What does your company do?
We offer energy solution products to the community. We offer food security solution to the community.
What is your biggest success?
Starting a small garden in my community from a land that was used as dumping space in a 1 hectare space from february 2024.
Learning how to make compost from food waste with the assistant of black umbrella and CSIR IN 2023
Winning the (Hollywood) bambela business award in 2023 for exhibiting our firelighters.
Completing a program in women in agriculture sponsored by corteva and facilitated by Gibs in 2023.
What has been your biggest hurdle?
Introducing the firestarter to the market and people not being familiar with and thinking that its muthi (:-. We have to educate the community that is a product that is made from waste. Those that have used it now and love the product. The other hurdle that we have experienced was when our crops were damaged, the area that we are working from is not covered and our crops were damaged and this cause a delay in having to supply the consumers.