Marilyn Hallett

You've Earned It

What does your company do?

You've Earned It/YEI is a digital media platform for South African 60-plussers. There are 5.2 million South Africans aged 60-plus which makes this the country’s fastest-growing demographic segment! Numbers are projected to more than double between now and 2050! YEI has curated a platform that provides valuable information to South African 60-plussers across the key pillars of Finance, Health and Wellness, Retirement, Lifestyle and Travel. YEI provides products and solutions that suit all 60-plus individual needs. We’re proud to be the #1 digital media platform serving 60-plussers in South Africa! YEI showcases offers, discounts, deals and benefits, plus relevant, informative and on-point content geared at 60-plussers – retirees, pre-retirees, baby boomers and pensioners. To unpack this, YEI researches and writes articles on all issues affecting 60-plussers - from empty nest syndrome to dementia care, from Tax Guides for Seniors to senior home-sharing, from how to cope with a meagre pension to hints and tips for senior entrepreneurs (requesting assistance from professionals in their field of expertise to assist us on many occasions). YEI also showcases savings, benefits and pensioner discounts and deals from organisations across the board. The YEI platform comprises a website, a free fortnightly newsletter, a YEI Facebook page and WhatsApp groups in all provinces. YEI has, this year, ventured into video interviews, podcasts and we're about to have a regular radio show on Coastal Radio.