Ngwekazi Apiwe Makaba

Nam Foundation NPC l Nam Creations

What does your company do?

No child should have to go to school without a pair of shoes on their feet. Seeing the joy in the faces of these children when they receive the shoes, it is priceless. Brand- new school shoes cost a lot of money, and these families cannot afford them. It warms our heart to know they will have one less thing to worry about. It Is important to us to build their confidence. We want to reduce a high number of school absenteeism and drop-outs caused by menstrual related challenges. To have a holistic development and empowerment of the girl child and the boy child at a later stage. To restore dignity in our girls and promote quality education. Our goal is to be the leading advocates to a positive change in Menstrual hygiene. Nam Foundation aims to unify, restore dignity and build confidence in children and adolescents from disadvantaged backgrounds, we provide school shoes, sanitary towels and offer educational information that helps them make sound decisions about their futures.