Nizenande Machi

Karani Leadership

What does your company do?

Karani is an African creative entrepreneurial leadership development consultancy. We work with influential African leaders and businesses to address challenges faced by various players in the development sector, specifically those in: 1) Human Capital Development, 2) Creative & Cultural Industries, and 3) Development Finance. Karani envisions a world where Africans have money and other resources to live in abundance. Africans in Africa and the diaspora are the primary thought leaders on African business and culture on the global stage. It’s a world where African women are central in transforming business and cultural systems globally. It is with this vision in mind that we have made it our mission to equip African creative entrepreneurs with thought leadership about Africans thriving and living in creative, cognitive and financial abundance. THE 2030 AUDACIOUS GOAL: Capacitate and finance 100 Creative Women Industrialists by 2030 These are women business owners who own the next wave of scaled production companies, media houses, creative retail stores, digital agencies, animation studios, makers-spaces, musicians, artists and art curators, fashion enterprises and writers.