Cava Business Solutions
What does your company do?
We offer Accounting Business Solutions for small businesses. From company registration to tax submissions and Annual Financial Statements for compliance.
What is your biggest success?
My biggest success has been getting women to believe in themselves. I’m not an ordinary accountant but I make you feel like you’ve got this. When my clients meet with me for the first time, they are scared and not sure of themselves and I give them that push that they are beyond capable. I also have a privilege of being the CEO of Women in Business. That helps me network and collaborate with potential clients and gives me access to real platforms.
What has been your biggest hurdle?
Finding balance and self discipline after leaving my corporate job. Choosing the business that will make me happy. I’m an entrepreneur so I get excited about different types of business ideas. Focusing on my Accounting skills while growing my other businesses has been my biggest hurdle. Also having to find the time to be a present mom and wife.