Nonjabulo Sokhela


What does your company do?

Nepoworx has a key focus in the green economy and blue economy. We support entrepreneurs and individuals, to assist them to create and build sustainable businesses. Our contribution is towards job creation, addressing societal challenges, and community development. We prioritize supporting businesses that primarily benefit women and youth, as well as individuals in townships and rural areas, ensuring inclusive economic growth and empowerment. The company’s objectives are aligned with various Sustainable Development Goals (“SDGs”). The company’s mission is to assist communities to form part of the Just Energy Transition roadmap currently unfolding in South Africa. Nepoworx is also one of the 98 Global projects that was selected by the United Nations Youth Sustainable Energy Hub We are also aligned with the following five sustainable development goals (SDGs) ▪ SDG 1- No poverty, ▪ SDG 4- Quality education, ▪ SDG 5- Gender Equality, ▪ SDG7- Affordable and clean energy, • SDG 8- Decent work and economic growth.