Nonopa Tenza

Kevinot Farming( Pty) Ltd

What does your company do?

Kevinot Farming is a mixed farming business operating in deep rural Eastern Cape. The business farms in cattle, sheep, maize and sugar beans. It is 100% black female owned and led and farms out of a 406ha farm. It started as a side hustle in 2018 and in 2021 the founder and leader of the business Nonopa Tenza a trained accountant and ex Corporate and Investment Banker swapped suits and stilettos to revive a family farm that was lying fallow. Her focus is not only to run a profitable commercial farming enterprise but to uplift the community around her by supporting and mentoring other farmers through providing mechanisation services (i.e using her own tractors to plant for those who do not have) as well as enabling market access and sharing best practices. She also uplifts the community by creating much needed jobs in the area in the form of permanent and seasonal jobs. The business is also behind the creation of micro enterprises in the area as some seasonal workers prefer to be paid in either beans or maize instead of cash so they can onsell to their communities. Nonopa has leveraged her corporate knowledge and networks to secure lucrative offtake agreements with huge multinationals with better terms and pricing. These offtake contracts also benefit other surrounding farmers as they all aggregate their produce and sell together.