Olwethu Mhlana


What does your company do?

AfriSTEM is a pioneering EdTech startup that builds social impact in STEM education. AfriSTEM provides interactive and engaging educational initiatives encompassing science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Our programs include workshops, school academies, extramural classes, online courses, teacher training, and tools that enhance the STEM learning experience. AfriSTEM curriculum and tools are all designed to empower young learners and educators with the skills and knowledge required to thrive in the modern technological landscape. We empower young learners and educators with the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in the contemporary technological landscape. We offer beginner to advanced coding courses teaching coding languages such as Python, CSS, HTML, JavaScript, and drag-and-drop applications such as Scratch. We design courses that upskill educators in underserved communities with basic digital literacy skills. Our courses all come with coding study guides and assessment tools that are not standardised considering inclusivity and accessibility.