Pinkletts Deep Cleaning Specialists
What does your company do?
We provide specialized deep cleaning services to the construction and property development companies, assisting our clients to achieve practical completion and handover of projects with minimal snags. Helping businesses save on repairs and maintenance costs through regular scheduled deep cleaning of their facilities, which improves the lifecycle of the buildings and the general health and safety of the people utilizing those spaces.
What is your biggest success?
Pinkletts' biggest success amongst many others in past years has been our ability to assist our client to successfully handover the prestigious Discovery Headoffice project on Rivonia Road within a month. This was both a challenging and exciting experience as it stretched not only myself personally as a leader, but the team as well, professionally. It also set the benchmark for us as a company when it comes to Effeciency and Quality in the services we provide, which we strive to outperform on every project we have undertaken ever since.
Being able to provide employment for 22 women and making it possible for them to provide for their families.
What has been your biggest hurdle?
Our biggest hurdle is still the inability to secure long term contracts with clients to make our business sustainable. Clients often have the misconception that cleaning is just cleaning, meanwhile Deep cleaning goes beyond what's on the surface. If we could educate our target audience about the actual benefits of having deep cleaning services done regularly in their buildings, they would realize the difference that is evident between normal regular maintenance cleaning and deep cleaning services and why both are essential.