Qhakaza Mbali Mohare

Digify Foundation t/a Digify Africa

What does your company do?

Digify Foundation, also known as Digify Africa, is dedicated to reducing youth unemployment by providing comprehensive digital skills training through various innovative programs. These include Digify Pro, an online digital entrepreneurship boot camp; Digify GP’s, a digital marketing programme for unemployed youth in rural or township areas; Digify Bytes, a nationwide digital literacy program; and the Lesedi and Kitso WhatsApp Learning Chatbots, offering accessible micro-lessons on mobile phones. These programs equip participants with practical digital skills necessary to take advantage of learning and earning opportunities within the digital economy. Central to our approach is the innovative use of technology to make education accessible at scale. The Lesedi and Kitso WhatsApp Learning Chatbots leverage the widespread use of WhatsApp to provide digital literacy and internet safety training with minimal data usage, making it accessible to remote and underserved populations. Our Digify Pro Online programme enables self-paced learning, while data analytics are employed to track progress and refine training and learner support methods. These technologies ensure scalability, accessibility, and engagement, allowing us to effectively address the digital skills gap and promote social and economic inclusion across South Africa.