Bareskiin Skincare
What does your company do?
Bareskiin Skincare is a skincare brand focusing on creating multifunctional skincare products, containing multiple active ingredients.
We believe in simplying your skincare routine, with less products that are simply more effective.
Bareskiin is unique in the sense that we are founded by a qualified Scientist. All of our product formulas are created & manufactured by us from inception until production.
What is your biggest success?
For 2 years consecutively, we have been the only skincare sponsor for the Teen Universe South Africa pageant (largest teenage pageant in SA). This is a massive sponsorship for us.
Last year, we competed with huge skincare brands and won our first Beauty Award for one of our serums
What has been your biggest hurdle?
My biggest hurdle is always funding. I have so many ideas and innovative concepts, but putting them into action requires the kind of funding that I don't have.
I started Bareskiin with no capital and until now we have only ever been self funded. Winning this prize would mean so much to us.