Sian Passanah

Storyline Marketing

What does your company do?

Storyline Marketing is a marketing agency that helps small to medium-sized businesses bring their brand stories to life. Inspired by the StoryBrand principle, we're dedicated to helping brands define their marketing messages (very clearly) and then use that message to infiltrate their marketing efforts and channels in the most effective ways possible. What sets us apart is our passion for making a difference and our commitment to empowering and educating our clients. Understanding that smaller businesses, busy businesses, sometimes lack the expertise and resources to navigate marketing challenges, we step in to level the playing field and give them a fighting chance. Our mission is to provide clients with the tools and knowledge they need to succeed in the long term. Our offerings are therefore unique in that they are designed with flexibility in mind. Whether clients opt for our traditional 'done for you' marketing solutions or choose to leverage our expertise to build their in-house capabilities, we ensure they're fully equipped for success and longevity. Plus, our support doesn't end with service delivery—we're dedicated to providing ongoing guidance and assistance every step of the way.