Buhlebethu and Sinawo Pty Ltd
What does your company do?
Motivational Programs and one on one sessions with Offenders Schools Kids and Communities. Rehabilitation of Offenders and Skills development for the Parolees and jobs opportunities outsourcing. Facilitation and Consultation based on GBV and Domestic Violence. Schools awareness program. Crime prevention programs and educational workshops based on GBV and Domestic Violence. Victims support and perpetrators.
What is your biggest success?
Being able to work with Department of Community Safety and SAPS in crime prevention programs and outreach programs. Working with Department of Correctional Services. Working with NPA in Community Prosecution. That was my big success Working with the Government department in crime prevention and bringing stability and change in our Communities and Society.
What has been your biggest hurdle?
Seeing our communities members living in fear in their own homes because of this high rate of crime that is taking place in our communities. Working had in had with Community leaders and SAPS in ensuring that our communities are safe. Stakeholders Intervention programs in crime prevention.