Stefanie De Saude-Darbandi

De Saude-Darbandi Attorneys

What does your company do?

Stefanie De Saude-Darbandi is the founder of De Saude-Darbandi Attorneys, a law firm specializing in immigration law in South Africa. Her expertise encompasses immigration, citizenship, constitutional law, and the interpretation of statutes. Stefanie’s professional journey was inspired by her personal experiences with the immigration process when her father emigrated to South Africa during her youth. This led her to focus on making the legal environment more just and equitable for immigrants. The firm provides a wide array of services aimed at addressing the challenges faced by immigrants, including: • South African Immigration: Handling all aspects of the immigration process to South Africa. • South African Citizenship: Assisting clients in navigating the complexities of acquiring South African citizenship. • Notary Services: Offering official notarization of documents needed for immigration and other legal processes. • Appeals and Litigation: Representing clients in appeals and litigation related to immigration and citizenship matters. • Other Law Services: Providing additional legal services that may be required by immigrants or other individuals dealing with constitutional issues. Stefanie's work is characterized by a commitment to human rights and justice, which she applies in her legal practice to advocate for fair treatment and access to justice for all individuals, particularly immigrants and those seeking residency in South Africa.