Tamryn Dicks

Pharsyde Accounting

What does your company do?

Pharsyde Accounting is a management accounting firm that specialises in improving business operations for professional service businesses. We offer a range of services, from bookkeeping, payroll, and taxes; to profitability analysis, cashflow management, and strategic planning. Our goal is to help you to optimize your business performance, increase your income, and reduce your workload. We understand the challenges and pressures that business owners face, because we have been there ourselves – we’re a small business too! Our own experience makes us committed to preventing burnout in business owners, by providing them with the tools, support, and guidance they need to run their businesses with ease and joy. Whether you are just starting out, or you are ready to scale up, we can help you achieve your business goals and your personal goals, without sacrificing your health, happiness, or relationships.