Tracey Brand

Umduduzi - Hospice Care for Children

What does your company do?

Umduduzi – Hospice Care for Children has been the only dedicated children’s palliative care service providing palliative care to the children of KwaZulu-Natal since 2009 – firstly as the Bigshoes Foundation (2009 - 2012) and then as Umduduzi (2013 to date). This has been a free service that is completely donor funded. Few adult hospices provide care to children and without the work of Umduduzi within the State Hospitals in KwaZulu-Natal, children requiring palliative care and their families would be forgotten. (1) To decrease pain and suffering in both acute and chronic illnesses throughout the illness trajectory (including the terminal stage) in children in State Hospitals in KZN. This is achieved through direct service, teaching & training of medical professionals, undergraduate & post-graduate students, mentorship and consultancy (2) To maintain a structured play programme (with an ECD component) at King Dinuzulu & Prince Mshiyeni Hospitals