Kganye Football Club
What does your company do?
We are a football organization that is based in Thokoza. We also not only cater for their sports needs but rather we try to balance by providing what we can for those who are in need, be it our players or teenagers who 1, show signs of need. 2, seek advice or some for of guidance.
What is your biggest success?
We won the "Girls Playing for change" tournament last year, which was such an inspiration for our girls. Through it, they managed to see that they can achieve anything that they set their mind to. The team also hosted (2)two closing parties as it was established in 2022 August.
The closing party that took place last year had an award ceremony and our players were awarded for their hard work and dedication to the team. We were also part of Kahlehong KALFA league and have joined it once more this year.
We are also involved in a program with our local shopping centre(Sam Ntuli), Sporting Chance and MeatWorld. The program focuses on training and developing football and netball players who are from the age of 13-below.
What has been your biggest hurdle?
Apart from struggles that are directly related to the team, some of our players have person struggles that may have also impacted the progress of the team in a somewhat negative way.
Some of our players are orphans and most are not supportive towards their children's chosen sport of choice. As a result, our team does not have their own sporting equipment for practice. Without a valid sponsorship, it is sometimes hard to keep to target to some of our goals at times.
We also struggle to take them to trials as some of them are far from our headquarters.